
Monday, March 10, 2014

Mitch sticks the Wisner heirs with the franchise tag

There's a lot going on in this AZ post.  Basically the city is treating BP settlement money like the NFL salary cap. The object is to keep gaming the system in order to keep the spending money as flexible as possible.
Getting back to the Wisner heirs complaint filed with U.S district court, Eastern District of Louisiana  and the items within it I found to be of the greatest significance...the main problem with the JV attorneys representing the City, OPSO and Wisner is the potential for them to "horse trade", as Wisner heir Michael Peneguy refers to it on Page 28, item # 20 of the complaint.  The scenario being that the JV attorneys could be using the Wisner settlement as leverage to increase the amount on other settlements they are representing such as the City's or OPSO's.

After having followed this story for over a year, I believe this is exactly what is happening.  Keep in mind that any money awarded to Winser by BP has very strict guidelines in how it must be spent...but not so with the City.
The city's position is that the Wisner property is all theirs anyway.  The Wisner heirs think they've been unfairly franchised.