Drainage work will rope off Napoleon Avenue neutral ground during Mardi Gras 2015, officials say
The Southeast Louisiana (SELA) Urban Flood Control Program is now under
construction on South Claiborne, Jefferson and Napoleon Avenue, and will
start later this year on Louisiana Avenue. The entire Napoleon Avenue
canal is being built by Boh Brothers, and officials said construction
will soon begin moving “like a train” down the avenue, crossing St.
Why couldn't they say the construction will move "like a parade"? I see no reason why they could not have done this.
By next year, some parts of the section popular for parade-goers between Magazine and St. Charles will be under active construction, and the current plan is for contractors to simply fence those sections off, while the parades follow their regular routes, said Sewerage & Water Board Engineer Ron Spooner.
“The parades will still roll down Napoleon,” Spooner said at a public meeting Tuesday evening about the project. “You’ll just have limited access to the neutral ground.”
That's gonna be weird. A lot of people will have to find somewhere else to put their tents and stuff.