Attorney General Buddy Caldwell acted appropriately in approving the east bank levee authority's vote to hire a law firm for a wetlands damage suit against 97 oil, gas and pipeline companies, a Baton Rouge judge ruled Monday. The judge also ruled that the Louisiana Oil & Gas Association's lawsuit attempting to overturn Caldwell's approval was frivolous.LOGA's lawsuit was a joke from the get go.
The ruling, by 19th Judicial District Court Judge Janice Clark, could allow the wetlands lawsuit filed by the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East to move forward. Earlier in the day Clark also ruled that Caldwell's office could hire a private law firm to sue oil and gas companies for environmental damages under limited contingency fee contracts.
The bad news there is it demonstrates how much money oil and gas has to throw away on joke lawsuits.
The good news is now the world has Briggs's deposition which is hilarious and should be referred to often as the controversy over the SLFPA-E lawsuit develops.