
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Blade of Orleans

This is pretty cool.
The author of Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 spent much of the last year championing a lawsuit, that Jindal opposes — a lawsuit against oil companies to pay for damages they caused to the wetlands. On Saturday, Barry will lead the irreverent krewe and its procession of brass bands and satirical, racy and offbeat floats. A regular viewer of the parade, Barry embraced the crown with his own theme.

"I'm going to be John of Arc, the Blade of Orleans," Barry says. "When I walked into the (Krewe du Vieux) den, it occurred to me. It seemed perfect. You have a crusade — trying to protect Orleans. Instead of the Maid of Orleans, it's the Blade of Orleans."

Did he have thoughts about Joan of Arc burning at the stake?

"I'm sure (retiring Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority chairman) Garret Graves would like that image," Barry says.
 There's also this graphic from last summer that fits the theme pretty well.