
Friday, February 07, 2014


Can't keep giving away those big corporate tax breaks unless we cut more pensions.
Good Jobs First found that Louisiana spent $348.5 million annually on pension costs, but allowed $1.8 billion worth of corporate subsidies, tax breaks and loopholes. The group made similar comparisons in nine other states, in which governors and legislators have moved to change the retirement benefits for state government workers.

“My colleagues and I have been concerned about the crusade against public employee pension benefits that seems to be taking place in so many states. Governors and legislators often give the impression that retirement costs are out of control and that drastic measures are necessary,” said Philip Mattera, Research Director of Good Jobs First. “If anything is out of control fiscally in many states, it’s the extravagant subsidy and tax break demands that many companies are making as a condition of investing and creating jobs.”