
Friday, February 28, 2014

The light at the end of the corridor

The Lafitte Corridor linear park has an actual contract to begin construction. It has been many years coming.
After sorting through five bids for the job, Friends of the Lafitte Corridor (FOLC) announced Tuesday that the city has selected Durr Heavy Construction, LLC the official contractor to build the Lafitte Greenway Tuesday.

The 2.4 mile linear park planned to stretch between Mid-City and Treme was scheduled to break ground last year (though before that, in 2010, FOLC had announced that groundbreaking would take place within a year).
I didn't know they were planning to put sports fields in there too.  Anyway this is good news because it should time out in a way that leaves us another opening date to keep pushing back once the rest of the Crescent Park is finished.