We’re told that yesterday Briggs’ blood pressure was over 200. He’s only a few months removed from heart surgery.If this true then, well, how very considerate of her.
But we’re also told that Janice Clark said she’d have an EMT on hand for the testimony she demands he give today. So if he has a heart attack right there on the stand maybe he won’t die.
Upperdate: And now Briggs's testimony has been postponed until March 10
Since posting this today, I've had a chance to see some of his deposition and it's.. um.. well I can see why the judge might have thought he was ducking this a little. I'll come back to this later.
It's all a matter of getting access to the right decision maker.
E. Wade Shows, an attorney representing the Attorney General’s Office, said (Judge Janice) Clark issued the bench warrant after a long day in which a LOGA attorney said (Louisiana Oil and Gas Association President Don) Briggs was too ill to attend.Weird not to show up to court for your own lawsuit, though. So maybe he really wasn't feeling well. Or maybe he was out grass-rootin' and stuff.
“Mr. Briggs has been subpoenaed, which is basically an order of the court,” Shows said. “Mr. Briggs failed to appear in court and the judge was not satisfied with the reason for his failure to appear. She has commanded him to come before her court Tuesday morning and respond to the subpoena.”
Shows said LOGA’s attorney submitted a note from a Lafayette doctor that expressed concerns about Briggs appearing in court.
“She then called the doctor on the phone and went over what the letter said and said she could allay his concerns about his ability to handle the situation,” Shows said. “At that point, (Briggs) apparently went to another doctor. The second doctor didn’t write a letter, but called and left a message with Mr. Briggs’ attorney, and she was not satisfied with the doctor’s call.”
Briggs said Monday night that his doctor told him “I shouldn’t go in today,” but declined further comment.
HOUMA, La. — One of the state's main oil and gas lobby groups asked industry members in Houma Tuesday to help start a campaign to slow down and fend off lawsuits from landowners seeking damages for oil and gas activity.
Gifford Briggs, Louisiana Oil and Gas Association vice-president, gave a state of the industry presentation to the South Central Industrial Association, calling for a grassroots campaign to curtail so-called legacy lawsuits.
Briggs denounced the lawsuits as frivolous, saying a suit filed last year was for trial lawyers to benefit from million-dollar and billion-dollar verdicts and settlements.
Oh look, they've got another Briggs on staff at LOGA. It's kind of a mom and pop lobbying firm for a multibillon dollar state-dominant industry. And the grass roots stuff is going pretty well too.
Sunday afternoon, the people gathered with the Krewe of Alla to celebrate the industry in the streets of New Orleans.