
Monday, February 17, 2014

"And no one was really surprised"

The Lens:
And yet, a final inspection before handing over responsibility for the levee to the Flood Protection Authority revealed that a 6,000-foot stretch tied into the Lake Borgne Surge Barrier was 3 to 6 inches lower than the 25 to 27.5 feet it was designed to be.

The predicted rate of subsidence had been exceeded, and no one was really surprised. A year earlier, the corps discovered that a stretch of new levee between U.S. Highway 11 and Interstate 10 had dropped a startling 3 feet more than expected. There, design elevations range from 16.5 to 25 feet.

“As most folks who live in the area know, the ground in Louisiana is always sinking,” said Gilmore. He estimated the 6,000-foot fix will cost about $1 million and take two to two-and-a-half months to complete.
And it will cost at least $35 million just to keep the system insurance certified over the next decade.  And even then keeping insurance rates manageable is a struggle.  And, of course, the governor is trying to load the boards charged with maintaining the system with friend of oil and gas.

Of all the thrill rides at Dizneylandrieu, the rapidly sinking land (Terra of Terror?) is by far the worst one.