Actual image from LAPolitics.com
Graves looms over the Capitol like a sleepy-eyed Godzilla (Graveszilla?) preparing to strike at all that damn wasteful gubmint going on in there.
“We need to get the government out of our healthcare decisions, private communications, economic markets and daily lives. Government is increasingly part of our nation’s problem and it is not bringing forward solutions. We must reverse the trend of subsidizing federal failures,” said Graves.Graves's press release also highlighted some of the "solutions" he's brought forward as the head of the state Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority.
In six years, Garret replaced decades of repetitive studies, wasteful spending, bloated bureaucracy and red tape with results. In carrying out his vision for hurricane protection, coastal restoration and flood control, the state protected more homes, businesses and jobs than ever before.It's true that Graves's CPRA produced a master plan everyone agrees would be key in the desperate effort to halt the disappearance of the Louisiana coastline... if such efforts are ever funded. But Graves and his boss Bobby Jindal have taken steps to hamstring at least one high profile gambit for funding the plan in their opposition to the SLFPAE lawsuit against the oil and gas industry.
So with coastal loss unabated, it's difficult to know just what Graves has "protected more homes, businesses and jobs" from. Maybe giant monsters.