
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Better Democrats

What Athenae said

...Because what he (Dodd) did today was to stop trying to convince me he should have the job, and just start doing the job. He did what leaders do: Get out in front of the thing nobody else even notices is happening, and take it where it ought to have been in the first place. He made an example out of himself. He could have done this thing, where he went on the Sunday shows and talked about how Democrats really ought to be strong leaders and they ought to put aside their own interests and work for their constituents and they really ought to do this, that and the other fucking thing. He could have talked all day long about what Democrats should be doing.

Instead he got up, as a Democrat, and did it.

Meanwhile the "serious" candidates are fine tuning their posing skills as they search for just the right affectation that will communicate their "confidence" to voters.