Even the decent writers and... now bloggers... in its employ believe it worthwhile to ask the questions posed here. I will now provide the answers to those questions.
Q: Would New Orleans be safer if the city as a whole shutdown earlier than it did?
A: Dude what are you talking about? Freaking Rouse's closes at 10:00. Pre-K Sav-A-Ctr was 24 hrs. Also, bite me.
Q: Would New Orleans benefit from its citizens drinking less?
A: No, really. Bite me.
Q: Can we separate New Orleans’ identity from its party all the time reputation that goes along with it all?
A: Only the tourists have difficulty making this distinction. Who gives a fuck what they think?
Q: Don’t we complain every year during Mardi Gras about out-of-towners that come in and trash our city, throw up on our shoes and give us a bad name?
A: Sure. But what does this conduct say about the out-of-towners' way of life that may make us think twice about emulating it?