
Monday, December 10, 2007

A different kind of 1 for 1 policy

I have not seen them, but a wwl radio report has it that there are signs posted around town saying something to the effect that for every unit of public housing demolished, a condo will be destroyed in retribution.

Probably just bluster, but things could get very...um... interesting around here.

Update: NOLA.com has a pic As we know, I like to steal their pics so....

Upperdate: Notice the poster is signed "The Angry and Powerless" Heh... try "The Douchey and Unhelpful presuming to speak on behalf of the Angry and Powerless" Mark my words, there is some goofball hipster blowhard behind this poster and whoever it is isn't helping matters.

It is illustrative of the urgency of the situation, but it strikes the wrong tone in a way that tends to calcify people's already polarized positions.

There is absolutely no threat of an assault-of-the-unwashed upon the pristine condo-developments and austere mansions of the "New" New Orleans. Zero. No one with any sense actually believes that such a thing could actually be organized.

However, much of the population of "New" New Orleans is given to fits of senseless hysteria and will now openly arm itself against the threat presented by these posters. Now the demolitions will not only be cleared, they will be carried out without the least bit of remorse.

I suppose sometime afterward that whoever created these posters might wish that they had meant it... but probably not. They'll be too busy patting themselves on the back for their hard-core stand that amounted to nothing.