Obviously I need to take some time and articulate my feelings on this more clearly at some point in the future.
The blogging format isn't the most conducive to clear non-snarky argument. At least, for me it isn't.
The fact is, I am genuinely disturbed by the absurdity of this kind of "activism". It raises all manner of red (or pink) flags with me.
"Making Right" the destruction laid upon New Orleans by the Federal Flood in its many forms is, to me, a simple matter of justice. The horrifying intractability of "recovery" is something I think we've all come to live with but even today it still has the potential to generate an overwhelming righteous anger in even the most cynical among us at any moment.
When self-involved celebrities and doe-eyed "activists" attach their egos to this incomprehensible injustice via preachy TV commercials, or douchey newspaper columns, or idiotic "tone-deaf" pink blobs it spectacularly exacerbates the sense of outrage while simultaneously undermining one's original belief in its righteousness.
In short, they're not helping so much as making the case that perhaps we are indeed beyond help. It's a very depressing thing to witness.