In most cases, the freaking bank owns your house. Many of you are either buying or pretending to buy it from them, usually over a period of thirty years.... otherwise known as a very very large chunk of your lifetime. (Jesus! Most violent offenders do not receive thirty year sentences.)
Now this is a perfectly agreeable financial arrangement for many people to enter into if 1) they have the cash and credit to do so and 2) their lives are structured in a way that makes such a commitment amenable to them.
In other words, there's nothing wrong with it. But it doesn't grant you a morally superior status over people who are either unable to or who choose not to enter into these indentures. It does not give you the right to deny that people have some right to housing.. or to ... say... tell such people how big their television should be. Please stop pretending it does.
Note: the link in this post is meant to be read as a link to the very long discussion below the linked post and is in no way a disparagement of the views of the author of that post who... as far as we can tell... is expressing merely the view that others may have some views as to the views being expressed by some. I hope that clears things up.