Immediate Update: I take that back. It looks like they couldn't find a facility they wanted. The original quote I read gave me the impression that they were saying the city itself was "too small" when they were actually talking about the one hotel they were looking at.
So really this is no big deal.
Later Update: Of course, there are other theories. For one, Markos has exhibited a kind of detached hostility to NOLA in the past. And one could argue that they weren't actually trying to find an appropriate venue. But I don't really feel qualified to speculate there.
The point remains, I don't give a shit which conventions come to New Orleans and which ones don't for the most part so long as they don't excuse their decision to stay away through some misleading and damaging broadside like the debate commissioners did. And say what you will about the Kos people's reasons for not coming, I don't think they've acted quite as insultingly.