And that is the extent of my in-depth analysis for today.
Update: Yes, of course, he's a raving nutball but that's hardly a point of disqualification in this field. Huckabee is far and away the slickest nutball amongst the Republicans and I'd say the one that would scare me the most at this point if I'm the Democrat.
Okay now that is the extent of today's in-depth analysis.
More: Via Suspect-Device we get the Buffalo Beast's 50 Most Loathsome People in America, 2007 Its blurb on Huckabee (#47) reads:
Democrats see Huckabee as easily defeated in a general election, but they shouldn't be so sure -- Smooth talking preachers tend to do well in this country. Huckabee is well-spoken, kind-faced, and the opposite of wordly -- he's Obama for hicks.