
Friday, August 24, 2012

And we thought Hollywood South was only flooding the town with douchebags

Apparently it was also facilitating the flooding of the city with... well... water.

NEW ORLEANS - Isaac is bearing down on the Gulf, Ray Nagin is under investigation, and now new evidence that a key figure in that corruption probe has hurt the effort to fortify pump stations so they can withstand a major hurricane.

Businessman Aaron Bennett pleaded guilty last fall to bribery and is helping the government in the case against the former mayor. But just a week before he was charged – and after he’d already fielded at least one plea deal offer from the feds – he took $600,000 from his construction company – money that came from the Corps of Engineers to pay for storm-proofing work on three New Orleans pump stations – and gave it to his fourth wife’s film production company.

The film company, HB Entertainment, is in post-production on the New Orleans-shot feature “The Tell-Tale Heart.” It stars Rose McGowan and Peter Bogdanovich.
 Just to re-cap.  The "Hollywood South" tax credit has blown a big hole in the state budget for the dubious benefit of  conning Saints players, getting Blaine Kern in (even more) trouble, and now, I guess, grafting away the city's flood control infrastructure. 

But as long as it keeps the B+ List stars in $40 eggs, it all works out somehow.