
Monday, August 13, 2012


Eventually every neighborhood should just become its own nation-state with unique systems of fees and taxes funding various security patrols.  Eventually we can set up checkpoints at all the border crossings so that you really do have to get your passport stamped every time you cross Canal Street.

Voters in at least three parts of New Orleans will decide this fall whether to join the long list of neighborhoods in the city that pay special property fees or taxes for security patrols or other services. The City Council has called elections Nov. 6 for the Gentilly Terrace and Gardens, Lake Vista and North Kenilworth neighborhoods.

New Orleans already has more then two dozen such special security and improvement districts. Most such proposals are backed by existing homeowner associations, and they normally are approved without much controversy. In November 2010, there were 12 such proposals on the ballot -- five for new fees and seven for renewals -- and all passed.

Must be a great time to be Wackenhut around here.