
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

This is interesting

WVUE just reported that the Orleans Avenue Canal floodgate has been closed.  Just yesterday, when The Lens reported that there are problems with the temporary pumps installed on the gate, the Corps spokesman commented that the gate hasn't been closed during previous storms.

“We’ve never had to close the (Orleans Avenue) gates during a storm. Not even during Ike, not even during Gustav,” he said. “So the threat of these pumps being down and causing any problems is extremely remote. There is hardly any threat to City Park or Mid-City. “We are not where we want to be at Orleans currently. I would like to be a little higher, but it is not something people need to be worried about,” he said. “My standard is to have as many pumps functional at all times.”

Maybe it's nothing but apparently the Corps has decided to close a gate today that it has "never had to close" during a storm before.