Like I said earlier, 2012 is a post-modern pageant in sucking so badly
I refuse to believe it's anything other than intentional.
Labor and President Obama haven’t always seen to eye. But AFL-CIO
President Richard Trumka says he couldn’t be happier with the way the
campaign is shaping up.
“I think the president’s making the case right now that he should be
making — that this is about two different types of economy,” Trumka told
reporters Thursday at a breakfast hosted by the Christian Science
Except, no, the President is doing no such thing. In fact, he's taking pains to specifically avoid making that argument and is
sounding like a complete doofus as a result.
Barack Obama is one of the few politicians with the communication
skills to explain this to middle America, but he’s refusing to go there,
probably because he’s still hoping for a post-election rapprochement
with Wall Street. He wants to go after Bain Capital, but not private
equity in general; he wants to go after Mitt Romney’s missing tax
returns, but not the tax returns of all people like Mitt Romney.
That makes him look weak and indecisive, and it makes his message confusing.
In the meantime, there are going to be a lot of these
battles-by-proxy, in which surrogates like Harry Reid try to egg Romney
into releasing his tax returns. There’s no doubt the returns are
embarrassing – otherwise Romney would have released them by now. And
there’s no doubt that Romney should take heat for not releasing those
returns. But there’s enough information already for Barack Obama to tell
a powerful story about wealth and privilege to most ordinary Americans.
He just doesn’t want to tell it.
Maybe if we all clap louder...