
Tuesday, August 28, 2012


More from NOLA Defender on the Corps' new toys.

The Army Corps of Engineers closed more of the new flood control system as Hurricane Isaac made its final approach to the Louisiana coast on Tuesday afternoon.  In addition to the "Great Wall" at the confluence of Lake Borgne, the Intracoastal Waterway and MR-GO, as well as Lakeshore Drive and the Orleans Avenue Outfall Canal, the Corps also closed gates at the Seabrook Floodgate Complex around 1:30 p.m. The gate is located just south of the Lakefront Airport in eastern New Orleans.

Watching today's news .. and making educated guesses based on the track.. I'm getting a hunch that the Corps is expecting a heavier storm surge than we might have predicted a few days ago.  We expect the big walls and pumps and things will work but I'm just getting the feeling that this will be more than just a dress rehearsal. Nothing to get too worried about just.. interesting.

Meanwhile we're just sitting here waiting for the power to go out which could happen at any time given the sound of the wind gusts outside. If anything happens, we'll just light a pop tart on fire. Anyway, stay hunkered, my friends.

Isaac Aug 28