runs a comprehensive summary of Louisiana Secretary of Education John White's non-existent vetting process for private schools receiving public funds via Governor Jindal's new voucher program. The post cites work Louisiana blogs
CenLamar and
American Zombie have done digging into some of the more questionable voucher recipients. It also quotes this bit from a recent James Gill column.
James Gill, columnist with New Orleans’ Times-Picayune, noted that he believes
the approved schools likely received little to no vetting whatsoever.
“Evidently the Louisiana education department hasn’t heard that ‘Don’t
confuse them with the facts’ is supposed to be a joke,” wrote Gill.
White has promised us a revision of the voucher standards is currently being formulated. We won't be
able to see any details about it until the school year has already begun, of course. So for now we're left to determine what the new limitations might be by trial and error.
And the great
Louisiana Education Experiment continues.