Can we get a camera crew to wherever in not Louisiana Bobby Jindal happens to be tonight? We need a real time reaction shot when Mitt doesn't pick him.
Update: Ohh that leaky leaky internet. No need to wait until tomorrow. Jindal loses out tonight. NBC says Mitt is going with the other freakishly hollow ideological kiss-ass. You know, the white one.
So hey, sorry it didn't work out, Bobby. Since it's not so important anymore, does this mean we can have all our schools and hospitals and stuff back now?
Upperdate: Suddenly I'm having visions of Bobby Jindal committing dramatic suicide by drowning himself in the Gulf of Mexico like Kate Chopin's heroine at the end of The Awakening. Only he wouldn't be the first pathetic creature to try that this week. Oh well. Runner-up again, it seems.