
Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Seems the more times we go to court over the monuments, the flimsier any of the (already very flimsy) arguments against the legitimacy of the decision to do this become.
A judge has blocked a last-ditch attempt to stop the removal of the P.G.T. Beauregard monument. A member of the Monumental Task Committee submitted what he called new evidence showing the city of New Orleans doesn't own the statue at the entrance of City Park, but Orleans Civil Court Judge Kern Reese said Wednesday (May 10) he could find no basis for granting a preliminary injunction to block Mayor Mitch Landrieu's plans.

It was the latest round of legal wrangling between the city and the Monumental Task Committee in from of state and federal judges. With Wednesday's decision confirming the city owns the Beauregard monument, the Landrieu administration remains undefeated in court against challenges to keep it from removing four Confederate monuments.
Undefeated, unlike certain Confederate military figures we could mention...

And yet, the Lost Cause continues. 
Marksbury, who sought the injunction, said he would review with Jones whether the group should take his case to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal. But Marksbury acknowledged that the committee is running out of time because a arguments at the appellate level would take time, and Landrieu's efforts to remove the monuments could occur before then.
These "philanthropists" sure do have a lot of money to piss away on lawyers. There must not be much need in New Orleans for good charity work or anything lately. 

Update: Meanwhile...
The New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) has erected new barricades — reminiscent of the ones put up on Lee Circle this weekend — on the neutral ground across Canal Street from the Jefferson Davis statue. Temporary "No Parking" signs also have gone up on Canal Street and Jefferson Davis Parkway near the statue, in effect through May 12.

Upperdate: Yep. Definitely coming down tonight. Bye, JD.