
Monday, May 22, 2017

It's a major award

Congratulations to Scott Angelle.
This week, the Trump administration appointed him as new director of the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, part of the Department of the Interior and the office created after the 2010 BP oil spill to oversee offshore drilling safety. The appointment does not require Senate approval.

Angelle is the second electoral also-ran to land a job in the administration; he'll be joining former U.S. Rep. John Fleming of Minden, who lost out in the 2016 Senate race. Fleming works at the Department of Health and Human Services.

In a statement, Angelle made it clear he continues to see the industry as ally, not adversary.

“It is an exciting and challenging time for BSEE; I look forward to leading our efforts to empower the offshore oil and gas industry while ensuring safe and environmentally responsible operations,” Angelle said.
Sounds like he'll fit right in.  Not that there should have been any doubt that Angelle would be qualified to "empower" the oil and gas industry vis-a-vis environmental regulation.  He probably just in his Blue Heron award in lieu of a resume.