
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Help is on the way

Look at Mitch go!
New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu warned folks that the city wouldn't let them use caution tape or rope or any other physical barriers to try and reserve spots to watch Mardi Gras, and today, city crews made good on that.

"Crews for the city are out here picking up tape and spikes and other things people have set in the neutral ground," WWL's Dave Cohen reported from Canal Street. "City work crews are out here in force now, picking it all up and throwing it away."
"In force," even. Who ever thought we would live to see it?

Ok.. actually they have done this before.  They used to do it pretty regularly back in the day. But all we learn from even bringing this up is that I am an old who remembers the olden times.  Perhaps the last straw this time around, instead, was the difficulty of delivering voice of the current generation Gene Simmons to a float on time
In case you were hoping to see Gene Simmons during Endymion, you may have to catch the parade later in the route.

Endymion founder and captain Ed Muniz, told WWL-TV due to scheduling with the sound check, Simmons would not be able to join for the entire parade route. Muniz said he hopes to put him in a limo and have him meet up with the Grand Marshal float somewhere between Broad and Carrollton avenues.
Yeah yeah, scheduling issues, whatever. I choose to believe the problem was the Chad Blockade. And now Mitch has ridden to the rescue.  Very exciting stuff.


A KISS themed float makes its way down St. Charles during the Krewe of Carrollton parade on Sunday