
Friday, April 17, 2015

It might be time to pull the film tax credit

Filmed in Orleans Parish Criminal Court:
James Carville shot a pilot for a New Orleans-based "Judge Judy"-style TV court show last year, though "Carville's Court" apparently isn't going forward. The project came to light Thursday (April 16) in an exchange of Sony Pictures Television emails released by Wikileaks, and first reported Friday by Politico.com.

"We did this, and it didn't work out," Carville said Friday. "I liked the people. It would've been fun."
Thank God for Wikileaks. Otherwise how would America know that, yes, there were even worse ideas than The Governor's Wife which could have also been greenlighted.

Anyway, the Louisiana Legislature is considering scaling back its sprawling, corruption-ridden, wasteful Hollywood South tax credit.  And now we know Carville and his friends got their share of the loot while they could.