
Thursday, February 05, 2015

Where do you ultimately want to be?

The former mayor who tried to get Tom Benson to move the Saints to San Antonio will now arbitrate the Benson family feud.
Hardberger is a former chief justice of the Texas 4th Circuit Court of Appeals. Rickhoff mentioned Hardberger's time in office as mayor helping Gulf Coast residents after Hurricane Katrina. Hardberger served two terms as mayor from 2005 through 2009. After the storm, Hardberger said his city and the Saints team conducted talks over moving the team to San Antonio.
Some of Hardberger's famous remarks from 2005 while his talks with Benson were ongoing.
“The Saints are not working against this,” Hardberger said. “Benson has said on numerous occasions he wants to be in San Antonio. The players want to be here the coaches want to be here. Now, (Benson) is a businessman. But I believe him when he says he ultimately wants the team to be here and stay here.
I wonder if Hardberger still believes Benson, ultimately wants the team to be in San Antonio.  Because that might be relevant to his involvement now.