
Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Death panelists

For as much time as the spent warning America about the notrorious Obamacare "Death Panels" which didn't exist, Republicans sure do think a lot about the ways they'd like to kill you off.  Or, I guess they'd put it, allowing you the freedom to die.
I think we probably need to consider the alarming idea that this is going to be the right’s overall approach to dealing with health care. They have no real ideas for how to deliver affordable health care to every citizen and they have no methods for controlling the spiraling costs of the former system. In order to maintain their “free-market” health care philosophy they are going to have to make it clear that you must get rich if you expect to live through catastrophic illness or accidents. If you are sick, it’s up to you to figure out how to pay for your care and shelter. That’s the only solution available to them.

As a libertarian theorist posited in the Washington Post last week,”people could die and that’s ok”:
[It] is an acceptable price to pay for certain goals — including more cash for other programs, such as those that help the poor; less government coercion and more individual liberty; more health-care choice for consumers, allowing them to find plans that better fit their needs; more money for taxpayers to spend themselves; and less federal health-care spending.
Unsurprisingly, many Republicans are backing your child's basic freedom to die of measles... or whatever you get from employees with unwashed hands.

A nice exception.. at least to the vaccination thing.. appears to be Bobby Jindal.
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) on Tuesday said Louisiana requires all school children to be vaccinated, and for good reason.

"I have no reservations about whether or not it is a good idea and desirable for all children to be vaccinated. There is a lot of fear-mongering out there on this," he said in a statement. "I think it is irresponsible for leaders to undermine the public's confidence in vaccinations that have been tested and proven to protect public health. Science supports them and they keep our children safe from potentially deadly but preventable diseases."
On the other hand, Jindal's statement emphasizes personal choice.

He would personally not send his kids to a no-vax school. OK but is it possible for other Louisiana parents to do that?  For instance, Jindal says "just about every private school" requires vaccinations.  If this means that some do not, are they still eligible to participate in Jindal's voucher program?