The city has received 11 proposals from developers in response to its latest attempt to redevelop the long-vacant former World Trade Center building at the foot of Canal Street.This time they can't knock it down which was an idea that made some people upset last time around for whatever reason. But I'm sure there's still room for "iconic structure" or two in there somehow. Like maybe a ball pit or a tiger cage or something. I don't know. Use your imagination.
The proposals include plans mostly for hotels or mixed use hotels and residences and come from a wide-range of local and national developers, including the team that won the right to develop the property during the last selection process. That deal fell apart during negotiations with the city.
Anyway here is the timeline from here on.
A “short list” of developers will be released Dec. 15. That group will have until Feb. 16 to submit more extensive proposals, that include detailed drawings, costs, timelines and proposed financial payments to the city. Those ideas also will be presented in-person to a selection committee."A selection committee." Has the makeup of the committee been determined yet? Because that is pretty much the most important factor.