Senator Landrieu of the Gret Stet of the Flag Of Texaco is promoting this statewide "Souls to the Polls" rally.. which is actually kind of confusing in that the fliers merely list polling locations in each parish. But these are definitely rallies. At least according to Mary's website they are.
The most high profile participant in the "rallies" is Senator Booker (D-NJ). Booker's star has been rising steadily as he's become better and better at pushing whatever horseshit agenda the big banks ask him to much the same way Mary has done for big oil over the years. Booker also just got finished voting against Mary's Keystone gambit this week. Anyway, so have fun capturing that magic.NEW ORLEANS, LA – This Saturday, November 22, Louisiana leaders and members of Congress from across the country will participate in more than 30 “Meet Me At the Polls” events around the state, where they will remind voters about the importance of voting early and highlight Senator Mary Landrieu’s record of fighting and delivering for Louisiana.“We will never stop fighting to raise the minimum wage, ensure we have quality schools for our children, or provide affordable health care to all working families,” Senator Landrieu said. “This weekend, thousands of Louisianians will join our campaign by voting early and, together, we will continue to fight so every Louisiana family has the opportunity to build a prosperous future.”
The “Meet Me At the Polls” initiative was created to call voters to action, while highlighting the importance of early voting in the runoff election. More than 30 events this weekend will be spearheaded by Terrebonne Parish Councilmember Arlanda Williams and Louisiana Democratic Party Chair Karen Carter Peterson. U.S. Senator Cory Booker, U.S. Congressman Cedric Richmond, and Democratic National Committee Secretary and Mayor of Baltimore, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, are only a few of the headliners of “Meet Me At the Polls.”
Meanwhile Wannabe Senator Frankenberry is rallying alongside Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today in Gonzales and in Kenner. The two will spend most of their time telling really big lies about immigration, probably.
You see, when Cassidy claims that Mary Landrieu “voted against stopping executive amnesty,” what he really means is that Landrieu, along with 67 other Senators, voted in favor of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill.
Guess who else voted for that bill? I’ll give you a hint: He was a member of the so-called “Gang of Eight.” Remember them?
No, it wasn’t John McCain, though he supported the legislation and has campaigned for Cassidy. And it wasn’t Lindsay Graham, who co-authored the bill and worked tirelessly to ensure its passage. After the bill passed, Graham told Politico (bold mine), “I consider this an astounding success. You could ratify a treaty or override a veto. This is as good as it gets in the Senate.”
Who else could it be?
It was, in fact, another one of its authors, none other than Senator Marco Rubio of Florida. Quoting again from Politico (bold mine):
Before the final vote, the legislation’s chief authors took turns defending the bill and reflecting on the hard-fought path toward reform. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) spoke of the ups and down of his 12-year fight on behalf of undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children. And Rubio detailed the journey of his parents as they emigrated from Cuba.Remember, this legislation is the very same thing that Cassidy is attacking Landrieu for supporting, and tomorrow, he will be campaigning with one of the bill’s most prominent supporters and co-authors. “[I]nstead of saying Landrieu ‘represents Barack Obama’ on the immigration issue,” reported, “the Cassidy ad could just as easily have said her vote ‘represents’ Graham or Rubio.”
“Here in America, generations of unfulfilled dreams will finally come to pass,” Rubio said on the Senate floor. “That’s why I support this reform.”