
Tuesday, November 04, 2014

More than zero

$50K won't pay for a whole lot
The east bank levee authority and White Oak Operating, LLC and Chroma Operating, Inc., released a copy Monday of a settlement agreement in which the two companies will pay the authority $50,000 in exchange for being dismissed from a wetlands damage lawsuit.

The agreement was signed Oct. 30 by representatives of the companies and Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East President Stephen Estopinal, but the document had not been made public.
On Tuesday, Estopinal said the settlement money would be directed to coastal restoration.
Maybe it will buy one pump.. if they get the kind with the hand crank.
"The attorneys will not be taking a cut from the $50k settlement," he said in an email response when asked if attorneys representing the authority would receive a portion of the settlement. "Every penny is going to be spent on coastal restoration."
Ooh in that case, maybe they can buy two pumps.  In any case, it's more than Bobby Jindal.. or District 6 Congressional candidate Garret Graves wanted.