Anyway here is the rest of the schedule.
Many fun things to be discussed this year. I've got a draft post that talks about some of those things in greater detail which I hope is up next week.
But one budget-related item that post probably won't go into is the Wisner trust fund where there is action this week for the first time in a while. You can catch up on that business via Dambala here and here. And here is a new Lens report on the contentious process by which Wisner money is distributed to local non-profits.
More to come next week.
Update: See also, this.
Over the objection of the Fraternal Order of Police, which called for using the money to increase officers’ salaries, the City Council voted Thursday to transfer more than $4 million in surplus cash from the New Orleans Police Department’s 2014 personnel budget to pay for other city obligations.