
Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Trying to kill the kill the lawsuit bill

As expected, the SLFPA-E has challenged Louisiana's so-called "kill the lawsuit" bill in court.
The filing isn’t a surprise. In July, lead plaintiffs attorney Gladstone Jones said he expected the legal fight over the constitutionality of the law to take at least three months. Whoever loses, he said, probably will appeal.

Lawmakers behind the bill have said they carefully crafted the bill to meet the expected legal challenges.
That "carefully crafted" part is pretty funny.  If they meant to carefully craft a law that will shield BP and any future responsible parties in similar disasters from incurring damages, they might be on to something.  

But during the last minute debate over whether the Governor should veto the bill over these supposedly unintended consequences, it appeared as though even the bill's sponsors weren't sure what it did.

But it sure does seem to be working.