
Friday, August 08, 2014

Prefootball season

There's already a bloated draft of a post I need to finish so it must be almost football season. Something like a Saints game is on tonight. (Yipee) I'm going to sit here and watch it because I am not very nice to myself.  Menckles will have to sit here and watch it with me which means I'm not very nice to her either.   Oh well.

But none of this is the point of typing a post right now.  Instead I only mean to share the fact that Drew Magary's obligatory preseason "Why Your Team Sucks" series is underway at Deadspin and that today is Falcons day. Here is a funny part.
I actually saw the city for the first time this year. Normal Americans like me usually only go to Atlanta for no other purpose than to endure a layover, but this time I actually left the airport and went into town! And in downtown Atlanta there was … nothing. Nothing at all. Apparently all the good parts of Atlanta aren't in, like, Atlanta Atlanta. They are in other Atlantas and thus are a two-mile, 158-minute drive away. Downtown Atlanta has an aquarium, a hotel, a McCormick & Schmick's, and 70,000 TGI Friday's. I don't even know if the buildings are real. The whole downtown may just be a set. I couldn't even find a donut joint. It was like Ebola had swept through the town years ago, instead of just this week. No wonder they did the Walking Dead premiere in that city. You don't have to change anything.