
Monday, September 09, 2013

Rob Ryan moves with the stealth of a cat

Pretty cool if true.
Rob Ryan's fist-pumping on the sidelines wasn't the end of his celebration after yesterday's Saints win over the Dirty Birds. Once he got out of the Dome, the defensive coordinator wanted to let WhoDat Nation share in his postgame jubilation. Soon after the game ended Sunday, the Dude-apparent strode into legendary Uptown dive  Ms. Mae's (4336 Magazine St.), and laid down enough cash for more than a few fists of post-game drinks.

“When he walked in the whole bar clapped,” said Ms. Mae’s bartender Jason Matherne.  
Matherne appears to be the only source on this story, though.  Strange that there was a room full of drunken Saints fans and not one camera phone available. Maybe NSA doesn't have access to everything quite yet.