"It's not our fault that the levees breached that the federal government built," he said, launching into the speech's singular moment of unscripted oratory and rousing the night's only standing ovation. "It's not our fault that we were stranded and left. It's not our fault that the Road Home program has issued only 12 percent of the grants after almost two years. It's not our fault that our water system is leaking today. It's not our fault."The T-P article failed to note that Nagin was explicitly referencing the brass standard "Ain't my fault" here. As was the case during nearly all of Nagin's extemporaneous moments, I remember cracking up watching it.
Anyway, it crossed my mind again today when I saw this.
Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin asked Thursday for a delay in his corruption trial, scheduled for late October, with his attorney arguing that he needs the opportunity to fully review reports by a Justice Department special prosecutor into the anonymous online commenting of two former high-ranking New Orleans prosecutors.So that's now Heebe, Nagin, and the Danzinger cops who have picked up the Perricone Get Out Of Jail Card so far. But if this is gonna be somebody's fault, it's ultimately got to be Jim Letten's.
The request came two days after U.S. District Judge Kurt Engelhardt tossed out the convictions of five former NOPD officers in the Danziger Bridge shooting case, in part because of the online commenting of Sal Perricone and Jan Mann, once high-ranking members of the U.S. Attorney’s Office.