
Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Welcome Back.. I think... Blogger keeps eating this post

So now that labor day is over with, what could possibly be next? Well, let's see, there does seem to be a certain swelling of enthusiasm for news of plastic clad fat people running about and tackling one another. Could it really be football season already? If so, someone should tell the LSU Tigers because if we were to judge by Saturday's performance vs Oregon Statewe would have to assume that the bell has not quite yet rung for them. Fortunately for Tiger fans (avert your eyes, Ricky) God, as usual, was on their side. How else do you explain a game tying 60 plus yard drive led by a freshman quarterback with less than two minutes left to play? Or how a team who fumbled the opening kickoff, shanked a punt and missed two field goals ended up winning the game? Or, well, you just can't explain what happened to this poor guy. But somehow I don't think it takes too much imagination on the part of Louisiana football fans at least to relate.

JaMarcus Russell (T-P photo): A star is born?

Other Observations:
  • Marcus Randall seems like a nice guy and it's real sweet of him to have hung around for five years but he is not going to be the starting quarterback this year. Say what you will about the muddy field conditions, but Randall just did not look poised. On several plays when LSU lined up in shotgun formation, he seemed to have the happy feet syndrome going before the ball was even snapped. This stood in stark contrast to the coolness with which JaMarcus Russell comported himself after entering the game under difficult circumstances. Russell is the proverbial genie who cannot be put back in the bottle. Both QBs will play next week against Arkansas State's jayvee squad, but Russell should start against Auburn.

  • The Tigers went into this one with a stable full of highly touted yet unproven receivers. At least Dwayne Bowe looks like the real thing.

  • The above is good because Joseph Addai can't catch.

  • The Tigers need to learn run the ball, settle on a quarterback, and quit making dumb mistakes.

  • All of the above is OK because, as we said before, the Lord is mighty and strikes down the enemies of the righteous.