
Tuesday, February 03, 2004

I've been busy...

...moving nurses across town, watching dad yell at the Super Bowl, etc. etc. The good news for you (for all of us really) is that I haven't had the time to make any predictions for today's super seven. The best I can do is link to Kos where you'll find this morning's Zogby poll. No need to rehash this really but I think we need Clark and/or Edwards to start flexing a little muscle today if we want to have anything close to an open debate about the direction of the Democratic party. Otherwise this thing will quickly devolve into a rally-around-the-Kerry exercise which may prove just disgusting enough to push me into voting third party again. (Yes, even if that means allowing Bush to crash the whole world. The way I see it, if the Democrats nominate Kerry, they have no one to blame but themselves. OK I'm just venting a bit. I'll probably change my mind again come this fall.)

Elsewhere we have further evidence that I should never ever move away from the civilized world where we actually know how to handle our liquor. I've long argued that should the Saints win a Super Bowl the party will be loud, rowdy, and drunken.. but not violent. It would be.. just another weekend... a very nice weekend that lasts about ten days but pleasant nonetheless.

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