
Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Blackface: An American rite of passage

It's just one of those things the lads have to do in their.. um.. academic clubs. We don't know why, exactly.  Let's just say it prepares them for leadership.
I didn’t think it was possible, but somehow, Virginia’s incredibly messed-up state of political affairs has gotten even worse, with an admission by Democratic state Attorney General Mark Herring on Wednesday that, as a teenager, he wore blackface to a party in 1980.

Yes, Virginia has another blackface scandal.
So yeah, big LOLs and all but this isn't really that much of a coincidence. The elite schools and fraternities where much of your political leadership is incubated have racism and harassment baked deeply into their cultures. Examples abound everywhere.  Since it's been in the news I'm a little surprised no one has mentioned former mayoral and gubernatorial candidate and Advocate owner John Georges is one

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