
Saturday, December 10, 2016

Donald Trump's Huuge Hangar

During a cameo appearance at what was ostensibly his own campaign rally, John Kennedy introduced Trump in Baton Rouge on Friday. Trump went on to complain about the "corrupt" election he just won.  Oh and to brag about the size of the hangars.  It opens this week's show.

Anyway you've got one more chance to vote against Trump today if you like.
President-elect Donald Trump told nearly 5,000 cheering fans who gathered in Baton Rouge on Friday that he wants Louisiana to help pad the GOP majority in the U.S. Senate by electing John N. Kennedy.

"If he doesn't win, I've got myself a problem in Washington," Trump said at an event that was billed as a GOP get-out-the-vote rally ahead of Saturday's election and featured the state's top Republican leaders.
Also in Orleans Parish there's a judgeship on the line as well as two millages.  The things to know about those is the S&WB millage is a renewal that will, actually lower your taxes in practice
The drainage tax is now assessed at 4.66 mills but would drop to 4.46 mills under the renewal. A homestead-exempt property worth $350,000 now pays about $128 a year because of the tax and would pay about $123 under the lower rate.

City officials have compared that cost to the savings on their insurance rates that many New Orleans property owners received when new flood maps went into effect this year, noting that the city’s drainage and flood protection systems played a role in the reduced rates.

“If the millage is not renewed, we’re going to have trouble keeping the pumps on,” Landrieu said.
As for the fire millage, well, it helps put to bed a decades' long dispute the city is ready to put behind it. They tried to pass this thing during the last cycle with an unpopular police millage attached to it.  We'll see if it does better on its own today.