These few paragraphs are from
a column last week by Patrick Armstrong in Mid-City Messenger. Pat has been following, with growing trepidation, Mayor Landrieu's proposed amendments to the city Master Plan. Pat describes an administration in such a rush to make land use processes easier for developers that it's ignoring its obligation to promote open democratic decision making.
Instead of waiting on the public to get involved, technocrats
consolidate and automate the process. The “experts” get to make the
decisions, and if the public misses their chance to provide input, they
should have been paying closer attention. Technocratic solutions remove
the mess of democracy and make things easier, quicker, and cheaper for
those who are most invested and connected and knowledgeable about the
process. If the voters don’t like it, they can participate on election
day – if they even show up to the polls.
Proposed amendments to Chapter 15 double down on resident
non-participation by consolidating the big, messy, difficult democratic
process into management by one small office at City Hall. Even if every
city employee in that office has the best of intentions at heart, how
long will it be before the sheer weight of this process demands less
access from the public, and more decision making at the top?
That sounds bad. But what's it this all about, exactly? Well, it's a lot of stuff. If you want to read through all of the proposed amendments
they're here on the city's website. But what Patrick is most concerned about is the
Chapter 15 neighborhood engagement process. Here's
an Advocate guest column by Keith Twitchell explaining what that's all about.
Equally unquestioned is the utter disregard for community voice, as
exemplified by both the process and the specifics. The most gratuitous
example is the mayor’s proposal to completely write the Community
Participation chapter in a way that eliminates all reference to a
community-based civic engagement structure. Instead, the mayor wants to
put resident participation completely under the control of the
Neighborhood Engagement Office.
Given that it has only been two
years since New Orleans got its first-ever community participation
structure, the City Planning Neighborhood Participation Plan (NPP), why
propose something that would limit engagement and the public’s voice?
Though it has room for improvement (something the Planning Commission is
working on right now), and will only reach its full potential when it
is part of a comprehensive community participation structure, the NPP
has already demonstrated on many occasions that bringing neighborhoods
and developers together in a formal process benefits both.
the administration’s reason for denying community voice is breathtaking
in its solipsism and circular reasoning. In essence, they are saying
“we didn’t give the people what they want, therefore they don’t want
it.” This is like saying “I didn’t give you food, therefore you are not
On top of this, the mayor has heard directly from the
people that they want more community participation, not less. At a
Neighborhood Roundtable last summer, with the mayor present, Chief
Resiliency Officer Jeff Hebert was specifically asked if the process of
developing the city’s Resilience Strategy might provide an opportunity
to move forward on establishing a formal, communitywide, community-based
civic engagement structure. The entire roomful of nearly 100
neighborhood leaders broke into applause in support of the question.
the argument is not only specious, but flies in the face of direct
evidence to the contrary. And throughout the administration’s
amendments, the theme is to move away from a community-included approach
to planning and development, and move toward a technocratic, top-down,
“we know best” philosophy.
Hardly surprising given everything we know about how this mayor operates. We need only refer to
his recent big-footing of the process over short term rentals for the most obvious example. But there are more and this Master Plan process is particularly egregious. The October slate of public meetings on this have passed but there will be more to follow.
Here's one that takes place in the middle of the day on Election Day. Can't imagine an overflow room at that time. Anyway note the purpose of these changes and the wording.
The Mayor’s Office of Resilience and Sustainability (ORS) is recommending major changes to the Future Land Use map
to open up development opportunities and a mix of uses and housing
types in Gentilly. The suggestions of the ORS aim at preparing adaptable
infrastructure for landscape in flood risk and loosening up Future Land
Use categories, in shifting from a value of the preservation of current
neighborhood character and use over to the continued viability of
The ORS said in a report
that current Future Land Use categories in Gentilly are likely too
restrictive for incoming residential and commercial demand that the City
expects to see in public funds more than $140 million.
A meeting about these zoning changes will take place on Nov. 8 at
1:30 p.m. in the Homeland Security Conference Room 8E16 in City Hall, located at 1300 Perdido Street. Those who can’t attend the meeting can send comments to
In other words, their policy goal is to give up worrying about the needs of the people who live here currently and shift priorities over to the demands of future investors. In the opening to Patrick's column, he starts off with a tongue-in-cheek bit about "technocrat" as an epithet.
Technocrat. Noun. An obscure insult used to describe a politician who
promotes progress through innovation and technology at the expense of
the way things have always been done. The term is most often seen on the
left or liberal side of the political spectrum to describe Democratic
elected officials deemed insufficiently protective of liberal or
progressive interests and who attend the Aspen Institute a few times too
Sure, har-har. It's that that us dirty lefties might lay off a bit if only they'd give us a moment to catch our breath. For instance,
here's today.
Mayor Mitch Landrieu has nominated author and former Time Magazine
editor Walter Isaacson to New Orleans' Planning Commission, according to
a statement from the mayor's office.
Isaacson, who also served as CEO of CNN, is currently the CEO of the
Aspen Institute of Washington, D.C., and splits his time between there
and New Orleans.
A native of New Orleans who once shucked oysters on Bourbon Street,
Isaacson is also known for being Apple founder Steve Jobs' biographer
and for his 2014 book, "The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers,
Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution."
In other words, these critical matters of democratic process vs technocratic gentrification will be deliberated on by a part time resident who is the literal CEO of the freaking Aspen Institute. How are us jokers and doomsayers supposed to even keep up? It might start to get funny again when Mayor Torres replaces Isaacson and the entire CPC with an app. But let's not give away all of our ideas now.