
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

GNOF Circle

So here's a little scoop via The Lens this afternoon.  An LLC registered to Phyllis Taylor bought the Circle Bar.  Phyllis, as many of you know, is the filthy wealthy widow of oilman Pat Taylor whose name famously accrues to the Taylor Opportunity Program for Students or T.O.P.S. scholarship. Phyllis is also a primary benefactor of the Greater New Orleans Foundation and its nearly completed shimmering new headquarters on the opposite side of Lee Circle from the bar.

Can't say for certain what the plans are, but the smart money is on RIP, Circle Bar at the very least.  As far as the building is concerned, they shouldn't have too much trouble getting a demolition permit since every New Orleans oligarch who is anybody is in the GNOF club. Oh also Andy Kopplin runs it now so, yeah.

Still waiting on somebody to do something about that monument, though...

UPDATEGambit has spoken to the Circle Bar ownership. 
The Lee Circle building that houses the long-running dive bar and music venue Circle Bar has been sold. But bar owner Dave Clements says it's not going anywhere just yet.  "We’ll be there for the next five to seven years" remaining on the bar's lease, Clements told Gambit.

Oil and gas executive and philanthropist Phyllis M. Taylor bought the building at 1032 St. Charles Ave. for $1.6 million, according to real estate transfers acquired by The Lens. Taylor's purchasing entity 1032 St. Charles Ave. LLC was registered with the Louisiana Secretary of State in June.

Clements said he had 10 days in which to match the $1.6 million offer. "I was a little panicked ... but she couldn't have been nicer," he said. "So far she’s indicated she’ll honor the remaining years of the lease ... As far as that, no future plans."