
Wednesday, March 09, 2016

The electrifying conclusion

There are 3 hours remaining in the special session. Both of our daily (sort of) newspaper (ish) things are covering it. Here's a link to the Advocate for no particular reason. It's also fun  to watch on Twitter if you can. It feels like the exciting final quarter of an NFL playoff game only with more brain damage.

In any case, it's gonna come down to the drill at the end where they quickly pass a bunch of stuff at the last minute and we all spend the next few days figuring out what even happened.

And then it's right back to work a few days later when the regular session and possibly, God forbid, a concurrent second special session kicks off. Either way there's plenty more to do. Russel Honore has some ideas about where to start.
Louisiana is the country’s second biggest energy producer and the second poorest state in the union. Making working families pay even more in taxes while oil and gas companies receive hundreds of millions in subsidies from state taxpayers while at the same time not paying tens of millions of dollars in royalties and severance taxes they do owe the state is just wrong. It’s a crime against justice.