
Monday, April 30, 2007

Weekend event notes

Mumkinfest 2007 was a remarkable success and surprisingly well attended. The event included all of the requisite food, liquor, arts, crafts, games, and music one expects from the typical Spring festival.. but this one also included the exciting element of mumkinsport. The enthusiastic attendees held spirited discussions on the topics of gambling, the carrying capacity of the average escalator, and, of course, the transfiguration of hotel bedclothes into fearsome "creatures" bearing messages from the Lord. I'll save the details for later when the photos become available but.. suffice to say.. plans for expansion next year are already in the works.

Meanwhile I'm hearing this morning from folks who attended Jazzfest this weekend about numerous problems of overcrowding, heat exhaustion, and repeated technical problems with the sound systems installed at the Fairgrounds. So.. In your face, Jazzfest! Looks like we may have won this round.