
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

It might be my fault

Despite my firm belief that such an endeavor would have been an exercise in pure folly, I am aware that many observers are finding themselves disappointed that Lt Gov Mitch Landrieu has opted not to run for Governor of the Gret Stet in 2007. I find it only fair to point out to these observers that Landrieu's decision not to run may indeed be.. partially.. my fault. I'll explain.

Way way back in the dark days between our return from evacuation and the excitement of the mayor's race, the city seemed tinier than ever and any given day could bring one into contact with what seemed like a majority of the smaller more compacted population at the time. During these days, my habitual morning coffee stop, Still Perkin' on Prytania became a prime location for spotting local pols and such ilk as they indulged in the day's initial round of schmoozing and smiling and being annoying generally. The crowd has thinned a bit there lately although it is still not unusual for one's visit there to bring one within baby-kissing range of such pols as Peggy Wilson and Mitch himself.

As the mayoral election drew nearer, speculation over whether or not Mitch would run became a favorite sport among the locals. For his part he did let it drag out quite a bit. That is until one morning, in the coffee shop, as Mitch was standing around running his big mouth, I found that he was positioned directly between myself and the Splenda. I was late for work (no surprise there). I needed to sweeten my iced coffee and I didn't have time to wait for this gasbag to finish yucking it up with the local yokels. I had to say something to get this guy to move. I tapped him on the shoulder and said.. rather unassumingly, "Um.. excuse me, Mr. Mayor, but I'd like to um.." and I indicated the condiment station.

Regardless of whether he thought my little joke was funny, Mitch wheeled around and bellowed a phony Har har for my benefit. When he saw in my eyes, that I had no interest in pursuing the conversation further, he returned to bloviating in the direction of the party he had previously engaged. Now I don't know exactly how much this encounter weighed on the process, but he entered the race the very next freaking day.

Recently, I have had one or two opportunities to similarly address Mr. Landrieu as "Governor" and have opted not to do so. Could it be my refusing to provide such a nudge has resulted in Mitch's refusal to become a candidate? I leave it to you to decide.