The weather had a general muting effect on the mood of a usually festive pre-race crowd. I got to the Quarter way too early yesterday morning and had to wait an uncomfortably long time on the street while the bitter morning wind gradually deprived my extremities of sensation. I was surprised to find that Harry's Corner was closed.. leaving me nowhere to hide from the wind other than a storefront doorway. After this harsh test of endurance, the race itself turned out to be more of a relief than anything else. At least it gave us all a chance to warm up.
CCC is always a good time. The spectators make as much sport of it as the participants. Several bands line the route. I noticed a man dressed as a rat for some reason playing a trumpet on his porch. On Rampart Street some guys were offering donuts to the runners as they passed. Nearer to the finish, the devil waited with hot dogs.

T-P photo
Costumed runners I noted included a Superman, the obligatory Easter Bunnies, and one runner dressed as Governor Meemaw (ironically actually running this time). No Fleurs-De-Lis this year, though.
While the expression on this participant's face (the dork in red) isn't exactly a ringing endorsement of the experience, believe me CCC is a worthwhile event, if only for the beer...and the Chee-Wees.
Check out the slideshow for more.