One of the city's premier spring festivals will have a noticeably cleaner staging ground this year.
Those who gathered Monday for the announcement of the 24th annual French Quarter Festival said the tidiness of the Quarter, thanks to a new trash company hired by the city, is unprecedented and could add to the celebration's lure.
"I walk down here a lot and I talk to people and it seems as though the cleanliness of the French Quarter is becoming a tourist attraction in itself," Mayor Ray Nagin said.
Exactly! I visit the Quarter quite frequently myself and while I do spend some of my time there leaning against the sticky, grimy, bar at Johnny Whites, or merely avoiding stepping in horse poo, or sitting on the curb at 4 AM negotiating with vagrants as they attempt to sell me their recently stolen construction equipment, I really must say that it is the cleanliness that keeps me coming back.