- Spent last evening in Algiers Point. Would have been fun to ride the ferry back. The thing should actually run 24 hours.. but this is a start.
- It's the day before the NFL Draft and Fitch N Dar Dar has a position by position breakdown of the Saints roster and offseason moves to help you get ready. Jim Henderson has his eyes on Miami tight end Greg Olsen but I think it's likely that the proverbial "best player available" at pick 27 will be one of the wide receivers.... maybe Dwayne Jarrett or Ted Ginn Jr.
- Oyster wants to know exactly what Dauphin Gov Jindal's position is on the continuing Iraq nightmare but can't get a straight answer from his office or website.
- Ashley has found.... one of those annoying things he always finds
- Why haven't I been reading Whiskey Fire? Nearly every post title is a clever Pollard reference.
- And finally... but she'll never find a sweet maaaaan like me!!
Later, kids. Happy Mumpkinfest!
Update: Addendum to that last item. Anyone interested in the song St James Infirmary should check this out. via AnimaMundi