
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Jindal is not smart

Jindal says Breaux not eligible to run

Isn't he supposed to remain "above the fray" in this situation? Doesn't this just make him look.. worried? Seriously.. if I were advising him, there is no way I'd let him say this. I'm beginning to wonder if the little brat can even help himself. Here's Jindal's actual statement.

"In my opinion -- no -- he's not, but I'm not going to get involved in court challenges. I'm no attorney, and I would rather tell people why Bobby Jindal is the best candidate for governor,"

If you chop off everything between "In my opinion" and "I would rather" then this is an okay statement. Instead, you have Jindal, the insufferable know-it-all, blurting out "No.. he can't run! No fair!" and then.. perhaps sensing the audible cringe from his handlers.. trying to cover the gaffe once the cat is already out of the bag. One of Jindal's biggest political liabilities is his tendency toward egotistical condescension. He's sort of an Al Gore but with even less substance. No wonder Breaux is spoiling for piece of this guy.